Thursday, January 7, 2010

My Own Exurb

The University of Minnesota Outreach, Research and Education (UMore) Park is a 5,000-acre site 25 miles southeast of the Twin Cities at the suburban-rural interface, near Rosemount, Minnesota.

The vision to build a University-founded community of 20,000-30,000 people at UMore Park, a 25- to 30-year endeavor, was affirmed by the Board of Regents in December 2006.

The plan for this new, sustainable community integrates environmental, socio-cultural and economic opportunities with a specific focus on innovations in renewable energy, education and lifelong learning, health and wellness, the natural environment and regional economic development.

Exurbs are drying up due to the housing crisis. The U's response? Plan their OWN exurb!

Posted via web from Brian's posterous